stopień 1, sem 1 i 2

Cycle of lectures begin with Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitution. The next topic is focused on electrocyclic reactions; the mechanism of electrocyclisation, cycloaddition [2+4] and 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reactions will be discussed. In the next lectures the chemical reactivity of organic compounds classes will be presented including hydroxy compounds, carbonyl compounds, carboxylic acids, and amines. Additionally, the chemistry of their derivatives e.g., ethers, esters, amides and nitriles will be discussed.

Seminar are focuses on consolidation of theory presented in lectures. The students will learn how properly wright the chemical reactions and to use roles of directing effect of substituents. The important skill will be prediction of active bond or group susceptible to attack of reactant, based on inductive and mesomeric effects.

I kindly ask the team Leader to contact me in order to grant access to the course resources.

Grzegorz Dzido

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W zaprezentowanym szablonie znajdziecie Państwo podstawowe informacje odnośnie zalecanej zawartości kursu zdalnego nauczania. Zawartość tę można modyfikować w zależności od własnych potrzeb.