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Office hours
Katedra Metrologii, Elektroniki i Automatyki
Katedra Metrologii, Elektroniki i Automatyki
Course categories
Office hours
Office hours / Katedra Elektroenergetyki i Sterowania Układów
Office hours / Katedra Metrologii, Elektroniki i Automatyki
Office hours / Katedra Elektrotechniki i Informatyki
Office hours / Katedra Optoelektroniki
Office hours / Katedra Energoelektroniki, Napędu Elektrycznego i Robotyki
Office hours / Katedra Mechatroniki
Office hours / Inżynieria Ogólna
First-year students
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Electrical Engineering / Electrical Engineering
Department of Power Systems Engineering and Control
Department of Power Systems Engineering and Control / Electrical Engineering
Department of Power Systems Engineering and Control / Kierunek Elektrotechnika
Department of Power Systems Engineering and Control / Kierunek Elektrotechnika - niestacjonarne
Department of Power Systems Engineering and Control / Kierunek Energetyka
Department of Power Systems Engineering and Control / Kierunek Energetyka (IŚE)
Department of Power Systems Engineering and Control / Kierunek Informatyka
Department of Power Systems Engineering and Control / Kierunek Mechatronika
Department of Measurement Science, Electronics and Control
Department of Measurement Science, Electronics and Control / Kierunek Automatyka i Robotyka Wydział MT
Department of Measurement Science, Electronics and Control / Kierunek Elektrotechnika
Department of Measurement Science, Electronics and Control / Kierunek Elektrotechnika - niestacjonarne
Department of Measurement Science, Electronics and Control / Kierunek Energetyka
Department of Measurement Science, Electronics and Control / Kierunek Energetyka - niestacjonarne
Department of Measurement Science, Electronics and Control / Kierunek Informatyka
Department of Measurement Science, Electronics and Control / Kierunek Mechatronika
Department of Measurement Science, Electronics and Control / Kierunek Mechatronika - niestacjonarne
Department of Measurement Science, Electronics and Control / Studia doktoranckie
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science / Electrical Engineering
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science / Elektronika i Telekomunikacja
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science / Elektronika i Telekomunikacja - niestacjonarne
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science / Elektrotechnika - WUM
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science / Kierunek Elektrotechnika
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science / Kierunek Elektrotechnika - niestacjonarne
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science / Kierunek Energetyka
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science / Kierunek Energetyka - niestacjonarne
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science / Kierunek Informatyka
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science / Kierunek Informatyka - niestacjonarne
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science / Kierunek Mechatronika
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science / Kierunek Mechatronika - niestacjonarne
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science / Kierunki Innych Wydziałów
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science / Kierunki Innych Wydziałów / Inżynieria Chemiczna
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science / Kierunki Innych Wydziałów / Technologia Chemiczna
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science / Kierunki Innych Wydziałów / Energetyka
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science / Kierunki Innych Wydziałów / Mechaniczny Technologiczny
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science / Kierunki Innych Wydziałów / Mechanika i budowa maszyn - studia dualne
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science / Optoelektronika - niestacjonarne
Department of Optoelectronics
Department of Optoelectronics / Elektronika i Telekomunikacja
Department of Optoelectronics / Elektronika i Telekomunikacja - niestacjonarne
Department of Optoelectronics / Elektrotechnika
Department of Optoelectronics / Energetyka Prosumencka
Department of Optoelectronics / Energetyka Prosumencka - niestacjonarne
Department of Optoelectronics / Informatyka
Department of Optoelectronics / Instytut Fizyki
Department of Optoelectronics / Mechatronika
Department of Optoelectronics / POWER_3.5
Department of Optoelectronics / Wydział Górniczy
Department of Optoelectronics / Wydział Matematyki Stosowanej
Department of Power Electronics, Electrical Drives and Robotics
Department of Power Electronics, Electrical Drives and Robotics / Kierunek AiR
Department of Power Electronics, Electrical Drives and Robotics / Kierunek AiR - niestacjonarne
Department of Power Electronics, Electrical Drives and Robotics / Kierunek Elektrotechnika
Department of Power Electronics, Electrical Drives and Robotics / Kierunek Elektrotechnika - niestacjonarne
Department of Power Electronics, Electrical Drives and Robotics / Kierunek Energetyka
Department of Power Electronics, Electrical Drives and Robotics / Kierunek Energetyka - niestacjonarne
Department of Power Electronics, Electrical Drives and Robotics / Kierunek Informatyka
Department of Power Electronics, Electrical Drives and Robotics / Kierunek Informatyka - niestacjonarne
Department of Power Electronics, Electrical Drives and Robotics / Kierunek Mechatronika
Department of Power Electronics, Electrical Drives and Robotics / Kierunek Mechatronika - niestacjonarne
Department of Power Electronics, Electrical Drives and Robotics / Kierunek MiBM
Department of Power Electronics, Electrical Drives and Robotics / Kierunek MiBM - niestacjonarne
Department of Power Electronics, Electrical Drives and Robotics / Studia doktoranckie
Department of Power Electronics, Electrical Drives and Robotics / Studia podyplomowe
Department of Power Electronics, Electrical Drives and Robotics / UBZO
Department of Mechatronics
Department of Mechatronics / Kierunek Mechatronika
Department of Mechatronics / Kierunek Mechatronika – niestacjonarne
Department of Mechatronics / Kierunek Mechatronika – studia dualne
Department of Mechatronics / Kierunek Elektrotechnika
Department of Mechatronics / Kierunek Elektrotechnika– niestacjonarne
Department of Mechatronics / Kierunek Informatyka
Department of Mechatronics / Kierunek Energetyka
Department of Mechatronics / Kierunki innych wydziałów
Department of Mechatronics / Kierunki innych wydziałów / Wydział AEI
Department of Mechatronics / Kierunki innych wydziałów / Wydział Górniczy
Department of Mechatronics / Kierunki innych wydziałów / Wydział MT
Department of Mechatronics / Studia Doktoranckie
Department of Mechatronics / PBL
Inżynieria Ogólna
Electrical Engineering for YSU
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